Modeling Industry

A modeling career is highly sought after, at the same time far removed for most of us. Being a model not only requires skill in front of the camera, but a touch of luck in the gene pool. But if your truly interested in pursuing this as a career, you need to be aware of the requirements and scams out there.
    • To be a female model you need to be at least 5'10" and not larger than a size 4. Even then, modeling agents will most likely still want you to lose weight.
      Being a model requires, to be frank, thinness. But you don't want to develop poor eating habits trying to maintain a certain weight and size. So if you are advised to lose weight by your modeling agency, employ the help of a trainer and nutritionist.
    • Being a model doesn't cost anything.
      The entire purpose of a modeling agency is to, for a percentage, find you work and represent you in legal matters related to your career. A real modeling agency doesn't require that you pay up front fees or monthly fees. If you run into this you are being scammed.
    • Investing in your book.
      You need to invest in a solid book of photos representing you as a model. Find a reputable photographer. If you can't afford one, trying looking for a student photographer at an art school or college who is looking to build their own portfolio. Possibly you can work out a great deal with them.
    • Find a reputable agency.
      To find a reputable agency you should look for an agency that only requires that you have a book (or a portfolio of professional photos). With this book, they will be able to determine if you are what they are looking for. If they try to charge you to get a book made or any fee to be signed with them, watch out.
    • Moving to a fashion capital.
      You are less likely to find work with an agency in an area where there is no market for modeling services. It is best to move to a fashion capital like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, or Chicago in order to find a legitimate agency and lucrative work.
    • Avoid scams.
      Everyone wants to be attractive. And scam artists play on this.
      Avoid modeling agencies that offer to represent you for a fee.
      Avoid modeling schools that offer to teach you modeling. Although these schools can offer legitimate information and training, most successful models will never suffer through one of these schools. The sole purpose of a modeling school is to make money. They are non-exclusive and will let anyone who will pay in. If a true modeling agency sees something in you, they will try to help refine you as a model.
      Avoid ads looking for models over the internet. True modeling agencies never place casting calls or go-sees over the internet. They are so inundated with requests from people looking to get into modeling that they have no need to solicit new faces. If you are looking for a legitimate opportunity with a modeling agency you must go to them.
      Often ads for models are scams, dangerous, or involve some sort of nudity. Many jobs that involve nudity will rope you into a contract that pays you a small fee and allows them full right to your nude photos to sell and resell as they see fit.
Modeling Industry Modeling Industry Reviewed by Krishna Patel on 07:40 Rating: 5

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